Winning Colors

Use this chart to help determine which colors are especially flattering on your horse. Find your horse's primary coat color on the chart (redhead, brunette or neutral) then consider colors in the suggested ranges. For Appaloosas, Paints, Pintos and other horses with more than 50% body white, we suggest the colors on the bottom and left side of the color wheel.



Things to Remember

Show clothes, in color and design, are more obvious than casual apparel- the judge will be watching from 50 to 100 feet away, and won't notice a tiny little detail. He or she will see color, silhouette, and coordination of rider and horse.

Consider where you're showing - do you want to contrast or blend in the arena?

Black is always a safe bet, but count on at least 75% of your competition also wearing it - make sure yours is the most outstanding black outfit in the class.

Bright colors are most appropriate for youth riders than amateurs or professionals. Lighter colors emphasize, darker colors minimize.

Test drive your color choices by draping a blanket, towel, or other large color sample over your horse, then stand across the arena to see the color impression you'll make on the judge. At shows, look for horses similar in color to your own, and see which outfits catch your eye.

Invest in success, always buy the best quality available within your budget.

Winning Colors system copyright 2019 © Hobby Horse Clothing Company, Inc.